There is a first time for everything: that first breath, the first step, the first vacation, the first time you met the love of your life, the first time you had....well, the list could go on but I'll leave it there for now. This is the first time I've blogged on this new website. So, consider yourself a part of something wonderful and spectacular. You were here to witness it!
"Wow," I bet you're saying, "What a milestone."
I know, right?!
So, first things first...what's this blog all about? It's about art and writing and how it pertains to my life. I hope to do this in a way that's entertaining, informative, and humorous.
As a newly established sole proprietor...yes, you read that correctly...I'm currently jobless and loving it. My last day "working for the man" was May 31, 2018. I'm currently 6 days in to my full-time arting (yes, I said arting) and writing career. What is arting? To me, arting is the ability to make, create, and design pieces of custom work that is both pleasing and desirable to general audiences. This includes drawing, painting, crafting, building, carving, videoing, movie-making...whatever it takes. While my main forte is drawing and writing, I do love to build home decor items using pallet wood.
To go from this... this rustic serving tray... an amazing achievement for me as I've had very little experience creating using wood. My only crutch is that when I made this, I lived in a house with a back porch and yard in which I had plenty of room to set up my table saw and such. Now, I live in an apartment and there's nowhere to pursue this passion here. However, I do have a lead (through a good friend) to a work-shop in which I might be able to spend a couple days a week continuing the pursuit of this wood-working passion.
So, what's the point in telling you this? The point is, it's never too late to start doing something you love. As of this writing, I'm 45 years old. I've always done my little passion projects on the side while working a 40/40 job (that's 40 hours a week X 40 years!), but I've never completely gone out on my own and chased down the personal successes I know are out there.
That's over now. The 40/40 job is out the door and 100% of my efforts are now for myself. What is it that you love to do? Is your day-job keeping you from it? Now, I'm not saying just drop anchor and jump ship. There are some things that need to be done before you cut ties with that day-job. What are these, you ask? Well, those will be some of the topics I'll be covering in the days and weeks to come (what?! I have to leave you a carrot to entice you to come back, right?).
Okay, okay...I'll give you a little taste of what's to come concerning the previously mentioned topics:
1. Debt
2. Support
3. Marketing
Those are just a few topics I'll be covering in addition to news and updates as to all things pertaining to my art and writing.
Thank you so much for taking the time to visit my page and I'd love to get feedback from you.
-Christopher J Thomasson

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Like my art? You can order original works directly from this website or prints from my DiviantArt site:
Like my writing? You can order copies of my books in both digital and paperback from just about every online retailer. But to make it easy, here's my Amazon page:
Finally, if you'd like to support me, visit my Patreon page: