Early morning story ideas aren’t that uncommon with me. I have very vivid dreams and many of my stories are inspired by these dreams. Most of the time, I remember just a scene or two and am able to develop the story from that. This morning was a little different though. This morning, at 4 a.m. I stirred awake, WIDE awake—and the dream was there, the story was there...a nearly complete story! But what was so different this time? As many of you may know if you’ve ready any of my stories, they tend to be pretty dark. But usually, in the end, there’s a turning point and a light of hope breaks through to eliminate that darkness. Not this time. This story is dark...very dark...Stephen King dark with a twist of Shakespearian tragedy. I’m going to have to sit on this one a while and see if I can pull some semblance of light out of it - otherwise, I’ll have to write it with some serious disclaimers.