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Final Round of KDP-Select

Writer's picture: Christopher J ThomassonChristopher J Thomasson

Good afternoon fellow readers. Just wanted to pop in here and announce that almost my entire shelf of digital books are free to download this weekend on Amazon. Why am I calling this the "final round?" Short answer: I'm leaving KDP Select and going broad. While that platform is a giant in terms of book sales and offering, I feel I'm limiting my distribution and exposure. As an independent author that depends on word of mouth to make sales, I need to have my books in front of as many people as possible.

Don't fret, though...I'll still be on Kindle. I'll just no longer have the option to offer my digital books for free every three months. I will be exploring perma-free options down the road too, so there's that to look forward to.

So, with that said, here are some easy links to each of my books on one, download them all. In return, I'd certainly appreciate a rating and review after you've finished reading. That's how I get exposure and gain more readers.

Thanks for your continued support and enjoy your free books...


"Sometimes in life, people are given a rare gift—a gift of foresight, of premonition—a sixth sense that goes far beyond what we can feel, touch, see, or smell. In some cases, these individuals are born with their abilities; they grow up with it, nurture it, it’s a part of them and they know no difference. However, in some cases, such as with private investigator Joseph Beck, these gifts are bestowed unexpectedly—and the results are such that those gifts are misconstrued as curses. A haunting memory of childhood tragedy plagues Joe’s sleep, and with every waking moment, his curse, his ability to see into the spirit realm, threatens to rear its ugly head."

"Steven Banks, ex-military and local grave digger, stumbles upon a situation he would have never expected to see in the tall pines of East Texas: a murder.
"But not just any murder...this is an execution. For the next twenty-four hours, Steven is on the run. But he quickly realizes, the people searching for him will never quit until they have eliminated the only witness to their evil deeds.
"Steven refuses to go quietly, though. Backed into a corner, he takes the initiative by taking the fight to them...and in the process, uncovers an organization that's far-reaching influence proves almost more than The Gravedigger can handle."

"Joseph Beck, only a few months removed from the events chronicled in the novel, Average Joe, is now faced with another challenge: trying to talk teenage jumper, Paul Garland, off a fifteenth-floor ledge. But not is all that it seems. From the moment he hears the word, "Jumper" from his police scanner, he feels called to the location and soon discovers there's more to Paul than meets the eye. As more secrets of the spirit realm are revealed, Joe will begin to question everything about his abilities and what his future holds. Then comes the warning...a warning of the future."

“Who are you?”
“I am nobody.”
"I am nobody is the story of one man's life: A life that, to him, seemed insignificant. A life wrought with bitterness and no sense of direction. It's a life that has moments: moments that shaped him into the man he would one day become. We all have those moments. They stand out in our memory. We all have a story to tell and might even seem like a nobody. But, as this man's life will reveal, we are not just nobodies...we can be somebody.
"So who is this man? This man is anybody...everybody. He's seen heartache, tragedy, and even a miracle or two. From the lowest of lows to the highest mountaintops, this story is sure to touch the soul. Between these covers is one man's journey of the discovery of himself - and forgiveness...the only thing that can heal a bitter heart."

"Horrors within the center of the Earth are trying to escape...
"...and old man watches the clock of his life slowly wind down...
" experimental spacecraft, lost in space, and the crew's gone crazy...
"...a bride, still in her wedding dress, must fight her way to survival.
"These are just a few of the more than 40 short stories found in this collection that spans nearly 20 years of writing. This culmination features stories from almost every genre so there's something here for every casual reader."

"Christopher has been writing since jr. high school. He never felt that his work was worthy of sharing with others; it was his personal hobby that he did strictly for himself and a select few of his family and friends. Not until 2013 did he feel that his work could be presented for more than just his own enjoyment; it was then he decided he would like to share his imagination with others.
"While many of the poems are religiously inspired, Christopher likes to draw his inspiration from as many sources as possible, and this collection holds true to that theme. The varying topics, subjects, and stories within these pages will appeal to any reader.
"From the tears of Mary Magdalene, to the the flights of dragons, to a lone vampire thirsting to feed-this book holds a variety of free-verse poetry, commentaries, and short stories written over the past fifteen years that he hopes will inspire all who read it."

"What is Micropoetry?
"Simply put, micropoetry is a genre of poetic verse characterized by its brevity. The poems contained within this book were written using prompts supplied by several Twitter users. The challenging task of micropoetry is not just writing a poem of less than 140 characters (the limits of a single Tweet on Twitter), but using a prompt to write a poem that stands alone and tells a complete story in such a small space.
"As a writer, including such detail in a short space yet telling a story is great practice that spills over into prose. Sentences and paragraphs develop richer detail, becoming something much more appealing and read-worthy.
"The micropoems in this book are presented to entertain and transport the reader, however briefly, beyond everyday reality. From love and faith, relationships and erotica, mortality and grace, vampire to werewolf, and zombies in between, within this mountain of stones, the reader is sure to find more than a few nuggets of gold."

"Robert Daley (a soldier stationed in the Middle East) and Paul Gest (a seventeen-year-old gamer) share something in common - they are both pawns in a government advanced weaponry prototype.
"Unable to work out the bugs in the software, General Aaron Singleton begins to take drastic measures to keep his weapons system alive...he's willing to try anything to maintain government funding, and that means using the minds of young children and the refurbished bodies of fallen military hero's.
"Together, Robert and Paul work to end the General's plans but in order to do that, they must first survive The Game."

"A farmer in the early 1900's, has taken ill and is unable to maintain the family farm. Greg, the farmer's son, must rise above his youth and take the reigns of the family homestead. But as winter arrives, all Greg wants is to give his father something only God can provide...more time. This touching, 3800-word short story (originally published in the poetry/short story compilation: Inspirations) is sure to bless your heart."
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