The first free books of The Roseland Chronicles are here and you can download them this weekend for free! In celebration of Independence Day and the fact that I'm an independently published author, my ongoing series will be free to download July 4 & 5!
Book 1: Average Joe
Book 1.5: Jumper
Book 2: The Gravedigger
Just a quick reminder that, as an Amazon Select author, all my digital publications are available for free through your Kindle Unlimited subscription.
Not a Kindle Unlimited subscriber? No worries! I have the ability to pick dates to offer my books for free. Be sure to follow my Author Profile because I have books and stories scheduled all the time for free or deep discounts.
Click on the names below the covers for easy links to the Amazon site:
Thank you so much for stopping by and please remember, as an indie author, I rely on ratings, reviews, and word of mouth to help more people see my books. Please take a few moments to share this post and if you've read any of my books, please take a moment to leave a positive rating and review.
Until next time,